We provide engineering services and quality control services. With in-house engineering capabilities, we can provide our clients with production feasibility analysis, design-related problems, full 3D CAD modeling and assist in troubleshooting production.

With several years of manufacturing both product and packaging, we gained rich technical experience in the development and manufacture of any type of product. We also acquired all the knowledge to create tooling and manage assembly lines.


Engineering team working on a product
Doing checklist


We work with leading laboratories and industry experts. We ensure your products are compliant with international standards, regulations and customs clearance through defined standards certification.

We are able to identify the necessary certifications required for your product in your target markets. We work with suppliers to ensure the product and production process adheres to these standards. We will keep you updated on the ever evolving regulatory environment concerning your products, packaging and market.



We control and manage the full manufacturing process. That goes into making your product to deliver a quality product on time. The behind scenes process can be quite complex, requiring involvement from multiple factories and vendors.

We source the raw materials, produce the components, print the packaging, and ship everything to a final location for final assembly. This is all done ensuring maximum efficiency in quality, time and cost.

Manufacturing process during production
Our engineer running the quality control


You need trusted independent inspection to ensure your product meets the highest standards you expect - at every stage. Drawing from intimate knowledge of your product and brand, our inspection and quality control services help you to reduce risk. We control production quality and quantity.

Don't roll the dice with your capital or brand image.