Where to manufacture packaging?

This simple question has been asked many time from our clients. Our reply has always been the same: The perfect place to manufacture your packaging is, most of the time, where you manufacture the product. Here is why and where.


In the best situation, product and its packaging need to be manufacture and finished at the same time, preferably close to each other. Otherwise, additional shipping costs and time-consuming management with by added to the project. This is why it is important to know where the product is manufactured and if there is a packaging supplier nearby. Most of the time, product suppliers can advise or even take responsibility to provide a packaging. This option will not dispense our clients to keep an eye on the quality and final result.

Like everything, there are exceptions. Some types of packagings do not need to be close to the product manufacturing facility. The material and shape must remain fairly simple for those packaging. This usually would apply to packaging labels (i.e. stickers, sleeves) or flat paper packaging (unfolded). But they will add extra steps such as the assembly product and packaging. It will also add cost and time with the shipment and overall management. On the other hand, the benefit would be to produce them from a cost-efficient supplier.

When the packaging is ready for mass production, the manufacturing process can be split into 2 categories:

• OEM packaging (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
• ODM packaging (Original Design Manufacturer)

What is an OEM packaging?

OEM packaging can be considered as white / blank packaging. The tooling and technical details are already set by the supplier and the packaging has already been produced. OEM packaging provides the opportunity to add a branding and hit a specific market quickly. It is practicable to simply create a label (sticker) or a sleeve with the branding and graphic design. This remains the most efficient way in terms of time and cost. But it also restrains to an existing and already defined unboxing experience that can be really poor in terms of the consumer experience.

Those packagings can be found on a number of websites such as:

This is just a few websites that have been listing those OEM packaging suppliers. They can even deliver worldwide. Brands can alway find similar supplier solution that deliver in a specific country. Event Amazon is doing this type of services if looked in details.

What is an ODM packaging?

ODM packaging is a packaging that has been designed from the grown-up, from the concept design to the final prototype. It provides a real add-value to the product and leverages the unboxing experience.

This will require a packaging designer that has will create de packaging concept and graphic design. This will add several milestones such as packaging creation, development, and pre-production sample. It may be the favorite approach of most of the brand but it's crucial to have the resources to get to the finish line.

When the design is set and the technical document is finalised, this is where it is the moment to get in touch with a supplier. They should take over and run the production. Once the manufacturing packaging is done and quality controle completed,  they are sent the assembly line to process the final assembly product and packaging.


Where we manufacture packaging?

Mainland China has been the leader for decades since they were also manufacturing the products. But we are today experiencing a shift in this behave and brands are more and more finding other places to manufacture their packagings.

Today we can see in Europe people are more and more manufacturing packagings in Czech republic, Slovakia, Turkey or north Africa. The United States of America are more and more manufacturing in Mexico and South America. Even in Asia, Some emerging countries such as Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia are attracting more and more brands.

Why contacting us to manufacture your packaging ?

At DATACT, we have been watching closely this relocation and helped our clients to find the best suppliers to manufacture their projects. First, our creative team is making sure that all the assets, such as artwork, dieline and CMF* are mentioned in the document. Then our manufacturing team will be in charge of finding the right supplier according to the project and manufacturing area you are.

With those manufacturing processes, we made most of our clients saving up to 30% of their current cost and decreased their manufacturing time by 45%.

This is our primary goal when we work with our clients. We provide services that increase efficiency so they can stay competitive on a market that is constantly challenging price and quality.

You can be in touch directly with our management team and we will provide your first quotation, for free. Also, we invite you to have a look at our Portfolio of packagings or products.


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